Fourth of July Fireworks

Well it’s officially the Fourth of July, but yet today we’re doing NOTHING!  I think we are wore out from our Fourth of July deck party, parade and fireworks in Orion, and party and fireworks in Matherville…so today we are resting!  Well…sort of…the day is still young and Brad, Kyson and I all took in a morning run (on different shifts).  We are in preparation for the Bix 7, which is fast approaching much to my knee’s disappointment and the newly formed blisters on Brad’s feet as well! 

Here are some pics to celebrate the 4th!

I wasn’t sure how fireworks would go for Phoenix on his first year…I thought he may sleep through them, but he did not want to miss a party!  After sleeping through the Orion lighted parade, he woke up and took in the Orion fireworks with awe!  He watched the fireworks in Matherville as well for the first half…but the swing at Sarah’s was just too relaxing, so he slept for the second half. 


 We have exciting days ahead of us as we prepare for Aunt Amber and Uncle Brandon’s move closer to us this upcoming week!  It will be so nice having them minutes away, and I know Phoenix is going to love spending time down at the lake with them! 

Hope everyone has a good holiday! 


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